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Say Goodbye to Hairfall!

With Hair Rejuv For Men

To know more, watch the video

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A Dermatologist Crafted, Hi-Tech Hair Protection Plan For Men

Find out why you are losing hair and get a personalized solution to control hair fall and regain hair

Try it free for 3 months, continue only if you are fully satisfied! 

How does Your Hair Rejuv Plan Work?

Four steps to protect and regain your hair quickly. Please use the arrow indicators below to scroll through all the four steps.

Detailed Hair Health Check

5 min chat with our Dermatology AI assistant and share pics for analysis

Personalized Hair Plan

Get an informative report with hair fall findings & a 3D care plan

Free Ongoing Support 

Dermatology AI monitor and sessions with Hair Expert coach

Dermatologist Referral

Discounted consultations and procedures. Only if required

Why: Hair loss is not just about hair, we analyse relevant body parameters and hair loss pattern 

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Our care delivers great results! Be our next success story

Representative outcomes from our dermatologists. Average result time 3 to 6 months.

Case: Hair thinning, Male pattern hair loss, 40Y/M

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"I started losing hair when I was 30, It started to become very thin. I felt less confident with each hair I lost. I realized that my hair loss made me look older. I came in with low expectations, but for me the results were very noticeable."  Alok  G

Individual results may vary

You can be confident in Your Hair Rejuv Plan, this is why...

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No Blind Diagnosis: We will create your care plan only after Visual analysis 


No Product Conflict: We use trusted brands and do not push our own products


3D Care: Our plan nourishes your hair from the inside and outside 

Be Alert: Check for these essentials before you invest in any hair care plan or product

What happens if You don't treat hair loss?

Age-related hair loss is progressive in Men and could be emotionally demoralizing in advanced stages. 

Still thinking, why you need Hair Rejuve

There are 10+ reasons why Men experience hair loss!

Why experiment with products and plans that might not be the right ones for You? Join Hair Rejuv to know the cause and get the right care personalised for You. Join now in less than a minute.

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