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Skin or Hair Problem?

AI assessment + Dermatologist consultation  

= better care for your skin condition 

Based on our free AI assessment, we can connect you with dermatologists with experience in your condition. You will also receive additional supportive care through the treatment

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Top Doctors This Week

In Association With Heylth Virtual Hospitals. Our Doctors will assess your skin condition and consult with you online or at their clinic. Consultation charges applicable


Dr. Pallavi Sule

Dermatologist. Based In Mumbai. Special Interest In Anti -Ageing

Dr. Himanshu Kumar

Dermatologist. Based In Delhi. Special Interest In Laser Treatments

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Don't ignore your skin and hair

Your skin and hair are an vital part of your personality. Our team of experienced dermatologists & nutritionists can  guide you through every step of the skin care journey and support your progress. Our efforts are driven to ensure the best care for your skin and hair.

Our Doctors are making a real difference in skin care for many

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